Emissions Limits Critical to Climate Initiatives

There have been 26 Conferences on Climate Change sponsored by the United Nations. The most recent conference, COP 26, was held in 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. With 200 countries in attendance, all eyes were set on achieving the goal of limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. While discussions were held on helping countries adapt to the effects of climate change, financing, and collaboration, emission reductions were specifically targeted as a means of climate change mitigation.

It has been reported that 38% of the total global energy-related CO2 emissions is related to construction. The need to reduce emissions has become integral to the design and renovation of buildings. In this issue of SKINS, Sir David King sets the background for an understanding of climate change and the immediate need for effective strategies to turn the tide.

The COP 26 Conference has been the stimulus for government regulations to support climate change initiatives around the world. In the United States, for example, President Biden recently announced the formation of a Building Performance Standards Coalition that has the support of numerous states and local jurisdictions. The program aims to lead the effort to decarbonize America’s building sector. We are also seeing regulations, such as Local Law 97 in New York City, that places limits on CO2 emissions with a target of reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

While carbon reductions are the central theme of many climate initiatives, building resilience is an important design and construction goal. To aid designers who are faced with different resilience challenges, the United Nations Environment Programme has published a Practical Guide to Climate-Resilient Buildings and Communities.

Finally, this issue of SKINS highlights the collaboration between the Façade Tectonics Institute and the Passive House Network. COP 26 mentioned collaboration as a key to a successful climate change response. We at FTI also believe collaboration with organizations around the world focused on the built environment and urban habitat will be necessary to bring about a transformation in building design and construction. We will continue to reach out to like-minded partners to provide education on this critical subject.

Best regards to all,
Valerie Block

Great thanks from all of us at
The SKINS Team:

Mic Patterson, Facade Tectonics Institute
Executive Editor

Valerie Block, Facade Tectonics Institute
Associate Editor

Brienna Rust, SGH
Christopher Payne, Gensler
Content Editors

Nick Carrillo, WWCCA
Event Calendar Editor

Alberto Alarcon, Kuraray
Event Calendar Editor

Photo of Valerie Block

Valerie Block

Consultant to FTI

Facade Tectonics Institute

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