168 results

  • Sustainable Materials

    Stainless steel has been successfully used in building envelopes since the completion of the Chrysler building in 1928. Today, it is used as both a

  • Influence of Facade Materials on the Acoustic Environment

    Urban noise pollution is a major environmental health problem. International organizations are making efforts to prevent health damage due to high

  • APT Seattle Conference Symposium 2023: Aging Composite Materials and Assemblies

    Aging modern heritage buildings and structures face complex repair and reinvestment challenges. Manufactured composite materials and multi-material assemblies often cannot be cost-effectively repaired or replaced in kind.

  • Kuraray

    Kuraray is a world leader in specialty chemicals and functional materials. Kuraray has offices located around the world, including sales offices across North America and four plant locations in the Houston area.

  • Technoform North America

    The Technoform Group, established in 1970 in Kassel, Germany, is a global leader in system design and extrusion of specialized thermoplastic composite materials and systems.

  • Sustainable Silicone

    Silicone materials have a long history in high performance building projects. Known for durability, they can reduce a building’s carbon footprint by

  • Heat-actuated Auxetic Facades

    Highly transformable materials can be used as adaptive exterior shading systems by leveraging the relationship between external stimuli (heat) and

  • BAU 2021 ON-LINE

    BAU is the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems. It has proven itself as an efficient international contact and business platform for the construction industry.

  • Imagining Future Innovative Facades

    This workshop will focus on innovations in facade systems, particularly addressing materials, technologies, and innovative design methods.

  • seele

    The seele group, with headquarters in Gersthofen in Bavaria, is one of the world’s top companies specializing in the design and construction of facades and complex building envelopes made from glass, steel, aluminum, membranes and other high-tech materials.

  • Net Zero 2023 Conference

    Don't just wait for the future, build it. NZ23, the world's largest net zero conference, is building a #NetZeroFuture for all. Learn more & register at www.NetZeroConference.com

  • The Tectonics of Flimsiness

    Architecture has traditionally celebrated the joining of two building components or materials. Joinery serves as a key site for architectural

  • Form as Energy

    All too often, high-performance building envelopes are considered in terms of new materials and technologies that push specific systems to improve

  • Curved Forming Panel Facades

    The performative and visual aspects of curved forming/bending thin “formable” planar materials is explored. Early tests for deflection indicate that

  • Next normal: Advanced composites for a changing industry

    This issue of SKINS will attempt to introduce you to composite materials in an accurate, useful and fairly in-depth way. But it’s only an introduction; it’s a start but by no means a rigorous exploration of the full potential of this remarkable material technology.