62 results

  • Multi Layer Facades

    The history of high performance facades and glazing has been a tale of attempting to manage the conflicting requirements of, on one hand inviting

  • Sustainable Silicone

    Silicone materials have a long history in high performance building projects. Known for durability, they can reduce a building’s carbon footprint by

  • Living Future '21 Inclusion + Unity

    We are at a crucial moment in our shared history--the last decade for real change. It is imperative that our environmental action is not only swift but just. Join us for this online event and help transform communities that answer the question, “What does good look like?”

  • Face Time: Introducing the Facade Tectonics Institute

    There is history to this new enterprise. Facade Tectonics started as a series of invited roundtable discussions at the University of Southern California School of Architecture in 2007 as a strategic response to the escalating importance and complexity of building facade technology. These roundtable

  • Reduce, Reuse, Reclad

    Kintsukuroi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with powdered precious metal, is a practice of celebrating the life and history of an

  • Ginza Six

    Tokyo’s prestigious Ginza District, is home to innovative architectural design. One of the most recent examples is Ginza Six (GSIX), the largest

  • Virtual World Congress? Bah, humbug!

    I’ve heard a little of this from some people and it bugs me! We are going to have the best World Congress event in the history of mankind! The prospect of taking FTI’s signature World Congress event to a digital platform is nothing but opportunity for the Institute. Let me tell you why

  • Structural Silicone Glazing

    The recent 50 year anniversary of the first use of silicone sealant in a 4-sided structural silicone glazing application marks a sustainable and

  • DOCOMOMO 2021 National Symposium Chicago: Crossroads of Modern America

    As Docomomo US celebrates its 25th anniversary, we are headed back to where it all began, Chicago, Illinois. It was in 1995 that a group of volunteers gathered during the first Preserving the Recent Past conference to set in motion a Docomomo chapter in the United States.

  • Bringing an Icon Into the Future: Willis Tower featured image

    Bringing an Icon Into the Future: Willis Tower

    <p>Few buildings are as iconic as Willis Tower. Generations of Chicagoans have a collective memory of this building playing a role in their entire…

  • Fully Tempered Glass in Spandrel Applications featured image

    Fully Tempered Glass in Spandrel Applications

    <p>Recent years have seen an increase in the use of insulated glazing units (IGUs) in spandrel applications to visually blend the appearance between…

  • Lithic Revival featured image

    Lithic Revival

    <p>The recently completed Capital One Hall performing arts center located in the Washington DC metro area is defined by a pleated exterior of glass…

  • Terracotta 1912 to 2018

    Center Three is a 100-year-old, one million square-foot building in Long Island City, New York that was constructed over the course of one year. It

  • Patchwork

    It may be difficult for modern man to believe that what is known as handicraft was once the advanced manufacturing of the day. These techniques were

  • Curved Forming Panel Facades

    The performative and visual aspects of curved forming/bending thin “formable” planar materials is explored. Early tests for deflection indicate that

  • Historical Evolution of Responsive Facades

    Responsive facade system is considered a major component of high-performance building envelope that is capable of responding to environmental stimuli

  • Renewing Historic Facades

    As the first phase of a $4 billion dollar, 180-acre, 60 building government preservation project in Washington DC, this case study reviews the

  • Comparison of Historical Weathered Annealed Glass Failure Data to ASTM E1300

    <p>Historical published weathered annealed failure data consisting of 13 samples were collected and glass failure prediction model surface flaw…