27 results

  • Fit for the Future

    Wearables protect us from climatic conditions, they provide privacy, comfort and they also reflect our style and personality. Building facades in the

  • Honing the Craft

    Finishing of custom-fabricated architectural façade components represents one of the most significant components to their cost. Manually driven

  • Digital Enablement for Manufacturing featured image

    Digital Enablement for Manufacturing

    Architectural design freedom achieved on high-end projects currently costs over $1,000/sq. Ft. Building materials have long been relegated to plane…
  • Adaptive Building Envelope featured image

    Adaptive Building Envelope

    Designing a multi-functional building envelope as an architectural façade, environmental interface and solar collector is a multi-objective…
  • Kinetic Solar Envelope featured image

    Kinetic Solar Envelope

    Kinetic responsive systems are gaining attention in architectural applications, to reduce the building’s energy consumption and environmental impact,…
  • Parametric Louver System featured image

    Parametric Louver System

    The Parametric Louver System is a customized tool that expedites several design iterations while embedding multiple design parameters. The ambition…
  • Elliptical Ways featured image

    Elliptical Ways

    Construction projects almost invariably encounter a critical stage at the moment of handover between the designing and the executing party. At this…
  • Climate-Oriented Prefabricated Building Envelopes featured image

    Climate-Oriented Prefabricated Building Envelopes

    Facades developed in response to climactic factors increase performance and human comfort while reducing energy loads. A single building envelope…
  • Working With Big Data featured image

    Working With Big Data

    Big data is having a noticeable impact on enclosure engineering design. With continuing advancements that liberate the geometrical form and the…
  • Patchwork

    It may be difficult for modern man to believe that what is known as handicraft was once the advanced manufacturing of the day. These techniques were

  • Novel Techniques for Facade Optimization

    Complex freeform architectural enclosures are becoming increasingly popular and easy to model and design with the help of modern computational tools.

  • Localized Rigidification of PCM Envelopes

    This is an experimental and computational exploration of structural systems that transform between states of rigidity and flexibility. The goal is to

  • Generative Design Tool featured image

    Generative Design Tool

    The piezoelectric facade as a self-sustained technology can generate a considerable amount of energy by converting swaying motions (actuated by the…
  • Differentiated Building Skin

    The Los Angeles Stadium’s doubly curved skin is composed of over 35,000 unique triangular panels covering 296,502 square feet of surface area. The

  • Design Digital Recipes

    Precision in digital workflow is necessary to deliver facade projects where there is a high design aesthetic or structural performance requirement.

  • DC Water Headquarters Case Study

    Facades must be responsive to a myriad of qualities and influences ranging from urban impact and aesthetic character to numerous performance

  • Daylighting Post-Occupancy Evaluation Study featured image

    Daylighting Post-Occupancy Evaluation Study

    Daylighting is a key strategy to energy efficiency and improved occupant comfort, health, and productivity in buildings. However, providing desired…
  • Coupling Facade and Structure

    Traditional approach for engineering the facade is building an isolated analysis model. However, it inhibits a dynamic design process where