4 results

  • Thermal Bridging and Building Facades

    Ivan Lee, a Building Science Consultant at Morrison Hershfield recognizes the importance of mitigating thermal bridging to meet low energy targets for buildings. He points out that many jurisdictions are starting to incorporate thermal bridging into their codes and standards

  • Skin Deep: Health, Wellness, and the Facade System

    Here we are, a full year after the initial COVID-19 surge rocked the United States. It’s hard to believe we’ve been living through the pandemic for a full year at this point; and yet it also feels like it’s been multiple years. We are beginning to see glimmers of hope on the horizon as more people..

  • No timid steps: Be bold and generous!

    ...the design and construction industries are notoriously resistant to change, putting them on a collision course with the many cities, states, and provinces that are moving ahead of national standards in keeping with declared intentions to dramatically cut their carbon emissions this decade.