Paper by
Richard Green PE SE P.Eng CPEng IntPE(Aust) APEC Engineer, Principal / Owner
Terrence McDonnell S.E., P.E., P.Eng., SECB, Principal
Andrew Crosby BASc, P.Eng., LEED® AP BD+C, Principal
Other than limited special cases, there is a lack of standards providing guidance on the design of structural glass. This has resulted in an ad-hoc…
Paper by
Richard Green, PE, SE, P.Eng, CPEng IntPE(Aust), APEC Engineer, Principal/Owner
Andrew Crosby, PEng, Principal
Terrence McDonnell S.E., P.E., P.Eng., SECB, Associate Principal
Glass handrail design in the United States lags behind best practice in other parts of the world. There can be as much as a factor of four (4)…
Paper by
Richard Green SE PE P.Eng CPEng, Principal / Owner
Andrew Crosby P.Eng LEED® AP BD+C, Principal
Terrence McDonnell SE SECB PE P.Eng, Principal
The technology of glass now allows glass to be fabricated in sizes and structural configurations not previously conceivable. The standards and codes…
Paper by
Jon Kimberlain, Principal TS&D Scientist
Jie Feng, Research Scientist
Will Wholey, Associate
Dan Aggromito, Senior Consultant
Valérie Hayez, Principal Scientist
Designing for blast performance for glazing units can be very complex. The test methods for evaluating performance include subjecting units to actual…
Paper by
Daniel McCormick, P.E., PMP, M.ASCE, Federal Aviation Administration
Stephen M. Morse, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, Assistant Professor
Scott H. Norville, Ph.D., P.E., F.FTI, F.ASTM, F.ASCE, Professor
ASTM published the first version of ASTM E2461-05: Standard Practice for Determining the Thickness of Glass in Airport Traffic Control Tower Cabs in…
Paper by
Scott H. Norville, P.E., Ph.D., Professor
Christopher Barry, PE, Glass Consultant
Stephen M. Morse, P.E., Ph.D. M. FTI, M. ASCE, Assistant Professor
Currently, most spandrel glass in commercial curtain walls comprises insulating glass fabricated using an interior heat strengthened glass lite that…
Paper by
Adam J Nizich, P.E., Senior Consulting Engineer
Andrea M. La Greca, P.E., Consulting Engineer
Laura Galuppi, PhD, Assistant Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics
Effective thickness is a simplified method for the structural evaluation of laminated glass section properties. The method consists of defining the…
Paper by
Michael Härth, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), M.Sc., Dr.-Ing., Research Scientist
Stephen J Bennison, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., Research Fellow
Steven R Sauerbrunn, B.Sc., Ph.D., Thermal Analysis Engineer
We have seen rapid expansion in the last decade of laminated glass design using modern analytical and computational methods. Essential to the proper…
Paper by
Stephen J Bennison, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., Research Fellow
Alejandro G Gonzalez, Sales and Marketing
Charles Anthony Smith, Research Scientist
Rebecca L Smith, Research Scientist
Takuya Kobayashi, Research Scientist
Toshiyuki Iguchi, Engineering Manager
In the last twenty years we have seen the development of polymer interlayers for laminated glass where the resin compositions have been optimized for…