52 results

  • Reglaze or Replace?

    Originally known as The Master Building, 310 Riverside Drive in Manhattan's Upper West Side is a 28-story tower completed in 1929 as an apartment

  • EVA Interlayers in Hardened Facades

    <p>Explosions can result in very high loads of extremely short durations. Protective design to mitigate the effects of blast loading requires façade…

  • Spandrel Thermal Simulation Techniques

    Glazed wall systems, such as curtain walls and window walls, are one of the most commonly used façade systems in modern buildings in North America.

  • Facades for High-Performance Workplaces

    How has the role of the façade evolved in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing fight to combat the climate change crisis? As companies grapple

  • Unitized Cavity Wall Design and Implementation

    Double Skin Facades (DSF), constructed from individual aluminum framed curtain wall assemblies, provide a means of achieving acoustic and thermal

  • Advanced Simulation for Thermal Stress Assessment

    In recent years, the desire for increased performance, transparency and visual flatness of glazing elements in curtain walls has generated renewed

  • Attention to Overheating in Curtainwall Buildings

    <p>Several years ago, Technoform and the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) researched the thermal performance of different…

  • ACT Facade

    Due to material and technological advancement during the last century, transparency has become a prominent trend in contemporary architecture.

  • The Facade and Energy Codes

    Ever-increasing performance requirements in the latest version of the energy codes are compelling project teams to consider the thermal performance

  • The Carbon Footprint of Aluminum Fenestration

    The historical focus on reducing the carbon footprint of a building has recently shifted to include more emphasis on embodied carbon, the carbon

  • Spandrel Glass Design featured image

    Spandrel Glass Design

    <p>Currently, most spandrel glass in commercial curtain walls comprises insulating glass fabricated using an interior heat strengthened glass lite…

  • Structural Silicone Glazing featured image

    Structural Silicone Glazing

    <p>The recent 50 year anniversary of the first use of silicone sealant in a 4-sided structural silicone glazing application marks a sustainable and…

  • Contextualizing Glass and Carbon Impacts

    Climate change goals will require significant improvements in the way buildings are constructed and operated. Building reuse can combat climate

  • Glass Spandrels and Shadow Boxes

    Glass spandrels are a common design strategy utilized to opacify floor levels in building facades. These opaque glass assemblies are integrated into

  • Inside the Box

    The trend towards modular and unitized facades continues to grow in popularity due largely in part to the efficiencies gained in terms of cost and

  • Elliptical Ways

    Construction projects almost invariably encounter a critical stage at the moment of handover between the designing and the executing party. At this

  • Verifying Thermal Performance featured image

    Verifying Thermal Performance

    <p>Architects specify curtain wall thermal performance criteria and usually identify simple modeling software, like THERM, to perform thermal…