7 results

  • Skin Deep: Health, Wellness, and the Facade System

    Here we are, a full year after the initial COVID-19 surge rocked the United States. It’s hard to believe we’ve been living through the pandemic for a full year at this point; and yet it also feels like it’s been multiple years. We are beginning to see glimmers of hope on the horizon as more people..

  • Balancing Visual Comfort and Energy Efficiency featured image

    Balancing Visual Comfort and Energy Efficiency

    With increasing interest in wellness and human-centric design in workplaces, the design of building enclosures is predicated on optimizing competing …

  • Net Zero 2023 Conference

    Don't just wait for the future, build it. NZ23, the world's largest net zero conference, is building a #NetZeroFuture for all. Learn more & register at www.NetZeroConference.com

  • Explore the top papers from the 2020 World Congress

    Each week leading up to the 2020 World Congress, we will announce one of the four winning authors, selected from the 118 papers to be presented at the virtual event, and releasing an interview with them on our SKINS Podcast.

  • Carbon-Neutral High-Rise Envelope Nexus

    The pathway to carbon-neutrality, as urged during the COP 21 in Paris, and the repeated goal for resilient buildings and urban habitats, winds right …

  • 2019 Request for Research concept Briefs

    The FTI Research Committee is requesting Research Concept Briefs describing a team and approach for evaluating industry needs and challenges surrounding four key topic areas in which FTI has identified a need to accelerate innovation. The proposed research will clearly identify knowledge gaps and ba