A Study on the Impact of Hospital Facade Opening Focusing Outdoor Exposure on Waiting Room Experience
Eye Hospital as Case Study
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The paper will try to study the impact of window opening on waiting room experience of patients in an eye hospital along with their attendants. As different studies have revealed the impact of openings are significant in surgical patients’ recovery but hardly any studies can be seen in terms of outdoor eye patients and furthermore in the context of developing world, where there are different type of patients having different income and education level. Different situations were observed i.e. waiting room having a window opening with its view vs. waiting room without a window opening. While considering the experience of the patients in the waiting room, the paper tried to examine the influence of the window openings on perceived and actual waiting time (whether the actual and perceived waiting time is the same, or over/under). While considering the influence of outdoor exposure on waiting time, focus was also on patients’ anxiety level, nervousness, activities while waiting, overall waiting experience, comfortability of the overall environment and also relating the variables with the demographic information such as age, gender, education, income level and observe how people react in the waiting room environment. The study is based on field study through questionnaire survey and observation of the physical attributes of the waiting rooms. The results from the questionnaire survey were analysed through statistical analysis and revealed significant relationships among the studied variables. Interestingly it can be seen that, young respondents due to the usage of smart phone devices, thought outdoor exposures because of window didn’t have much influence on waiting time. While it was also seen that, more the people were educated the less they felt comfortable in terms of the overall environment and overall waiting experience was negative. At the same time, more the income of the people was; the perception of necessity of the window was more.

Iftekhar Rahman
Associate Professor
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)
Waiting is an unavoidable experience when patients visit hospitals and clinics. Some may perceive it as the least pleasant part of the healthcare experience. Long waiting times have a negative
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Literature Review
Waiting is common in healthcare settings, especially in outpatient services. However, waiting is likely to be considered as an unpleasant experience that people try to avoid (Durrande-Moreau, 1999; Gasparini, 1995)
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The objective of the research was to examine the waiting room experience of out-patients in an eye hospital in terms of outdoor exposure through window opening as positive distraction in
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The research was done through literature survey and then a questionnaire survey conducted through local language. Among other questions several questions were assessed on ‘yes’-‘no’ answer, a five-point Likert scale
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Statistical Analysis
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistical software, version 21. A value of p < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. For statistical analysis ‘Pearson Correlation’ was done along
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Results and Discussion
Thus from the above statistical analysis and observations the results can be discussed and pointed as follows:
The more the people were aged they think that window influences waiting timeAccess Restricted
Limitations of the Study and Scope of Future Work
Due to time constraints, while doing this research there were several limitations which can be stated as follows:
Patients were different in terms of waiting room experience with and without
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Significant statistical relationships can be observed with the availability, necessity and influence of window as positive distraction with patients’ age, level of education, annual income, overall waiting experience, anxiety level
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Gratitude goes to Dr. Md. Abu Sayeed for his kind help, support and giving permission for the survey. Further appreciation and thanks goes to Dr. Shahnaj, Dr. Sumbhleen, Mr. Haroon, Mrs. Mariam and other staffs of the hospital for their help and continuous support during the survey.
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