2025 Vitruvian Honors & Awards Program

Facade Educator Award

We must prepare students for a future we can neither describe nor predict.

David Warlick

Educating students of the building arts and sciences about the critical relevance of the facade system—and the opportunity it represents in realizing vital goals of resilience and sustainability in buildings and urban habitat—is a challenging undertaking. The Facades Educator Award is intended to recognize and honor those confronting this challenge with a facade-forward approach to educating the future leaders of the building industry.

Candidates should have at least 5 years experience as a professional educator and evidence experience of facade-forward teaching practice. The educational practices and accomplishments of the individuals recognized here should be consistent with the goals of the Institute in advancing the art, science and technology of conceptualizing, designing, planning, and constructing high performance building facades for the benefit of planet and people. Applications from and nominations of individuals that have made noteworthy accomplishments and contributions to the education of students with respect to some aspect of facade design, procurement, engineering, fabrication, installation and long-term performance, are welcome.

Submission Requirements

Please prepare the materials outlined below prior to submission through the online submission form. Once started, the online submission form must be completed in its entirety and cannot be partially saved. However, you will be able to edit your entry after the initial submission up until the deadline.


  • The nominating individual or entity and the nominee need not be a member of the Façade Tectonics Institute (FTI).

  • Candidates should have at least 5 years experience as a professional educator and evidence experience of facade-forward teaching practice.

Please prepare the following materials prior to accessing the online submission form.

  • A headshot and short biography of the nominee.

  • Provide a curriculum vitae, detailed biography including a history of accomplishments, and other forms of descriptive background materials as appropriate.

  • Provide a description of the nominees experience and contributions in as much detail as appropriate, with accompanying images and documentation, including links to additional information if required. Elaborate on the importance and relevance of the contributions.

  • Provide a listing of courses taught involving facade system education, along with summaries of the course syllabi, the name of the institution and school, and the approx. number of students.

  • Provide examples of student work as relevant and appropriate.

  • Provide contact information for a minimum of two references.

  • To nominate an individual, please complete the submission form linked below.

To nominate an individual or entity, please complete the online submission form by the deadline.