(For People Awards refer to individual category descriptions linked here.)
Before beginning your submission, please review the general assessment criteria.
Please prepare the materials outlined below (as available and relevant) in order to successfully complete the online submission form, which is best done in a single session.
We encourage that submissions be developed as a collaborative effort between the contributing project design and build teams.
Also, be sure to review the specific project award category of the submission, as some may include additional or modified submission requirements.
For awards involving built projects, the projects must have been completed in the last five years and have been functioning and occupied for at least one calendar year.
All members of the project team—owner, architect, and key consultants, contractors, fabricators and material and systems suppliers—must be credited.
Members of the jury credited in an entry, or whose organization of employment is credited in an entry, will be recused from judging that submission.
Submission form and deliverables must be completed by the submission deadline.
Project Name
Project Address
Completion Date (month/day/YYYY)
Building Type (e.g., office, healthcare, religious, mixed-use, etc. https://www.eia.gov/consumptio...)
Construction Type (e.g., wood framed, mass timber, steel framed, reinforced concrete, masonry, etc.)
Facade Type(s) (e.g., glass and metal curtainwall, window wall, cassette, precast, megapanel, masonry, structural glass, double skin, closed cavity, etc.) (may be designated as wall type(s), e.g., Wall Type 1, Wall Type 2, etc.)
LEED Rating (or other rating system designation as applicable)
Stories (#)
Building Height (ft,m)
Facade Area (sqft, sqm)
Window/Wall ratio (WWR %)
Glass Type(s)
Other Primary Materials and Products
Project Delivery Process (e.g., design-bid-build, design-build, delegated design, design-assist, other [name or describe])
Performance Principle(s) (e.g., Barrier, Mass, Rain Screen, Pressure-equalized Rain Screen, etc.)
Basis of Design (facade performance goals, driving design metrics)
Post-occupancy evaluation (verified performance; provide any available data)
Other: Any other available data or information that may assist the jury in the evaluation of your submission.
Owner/Developer (and/or owner's rep)
Facade Contractor (and key subcontractors)
Facade Maintenance Contractor
Project Managers
Prime Contractor(s)
Facade Fabricators
Facade Material Suppliers
Other Key Participants (design or build teams, if applicable)
Please prepare answers to the following questions within the given word counts.
Description of the project or building upon which the submission is based. (200 words/1,500 characters max.)
If applicable, identify an “unsung hero” on the team, that meets the intent and criteria as outlined in the Unsung Hero Award submission guidelines.
Give a brief description of each facade assembly (wall) type including system, predominant materials, WWR, square footage, and elevation (e.g., curtainwall with IGU vision panels and shadowboxes, 22,500 sqft [2090 sqm], 62%WWR, north elevation, 3rd to 17th floor) Include relevant facade assembly metrics such as u-factor. (100/750 characters words max for each type).
Describe the holistic integration of the facade system with the building and other building systems, if applicable (lighting, mechanical, rainwater or solar harvesting, etc.) (300 words/2250 characters max.)
Description of facade related outstanding features (starting with passive design features, but including daylight provision, percent of time facade enables natural ventilation, biophilic features, etc.) and innovations. Include any available data or information that may assist the jury in the evaluation of your submission. (500 words/3750 characters max.)
Description of any potentially positive disruptive influence on the industry as a whole. (200 words/1,500 characters max.)
Description and quantitative analysis of the sustainability and resilience attributes of the submission, including explicit goals established by the owner and design team early in the project and the extent to which these goals were met. Cite relevant metrics. This may include carbon footprint (both operational and embodied carbon), passive design strategies, daylighting, water/energy harvesting, health, wellness and productivity and biophilic attributes. (500 words/3750 characters max.)
A selection of projects images and drawings are required for each submission, including a descriptive caption for each. At minimum, please include a plan, elevation, and typical section. Headshots and short biographies for all relevant team members are also required. Please review Visualization section below.
Images and drawings should be submitted as a single PDF file and should be medium to high resolution. Links to any video or animated components may be noted in the narrative description of the submission.
The total submission file size cannot exceed 50 MB.
All submissions will be reviewed, but the following format—while not required—is highly recommended to best represent your project to the jury for consideration.
You will be required to provide copyright information and captions for each image provided. For the benefit of the jury, please be as descriptive as possible in your captions.
Participation in the FTI Vitruvian Honors & Awards Program requires consent to the following:
All submitted text and images are provided with the understanding that they may be used in Institute media, including the FTI website, press releases, award announcements, and various means of promoting the 2025 Vitruvian Honors & Awards Ceremony. Copyright clearance and payment of any fees for artwork and images included in the submittal is to be organized by the submitter prior to submission. FTI will properly identify all materials with the appropriate copyright notice and credit line as provided by submitter during the upload process.
Submitters will be required to provide written confirmation representing their rights to the ownership and/or use of all provided materials and granting permission to the Facade Tectonics Institute for the unrestricted use of same. A form granting such permission will be provided and required with each submission.
Any questions? Contact vitruvius@facadetectonics.org
Ready to submit a project for consideration? Please submit the online submission form in accordance with the deadline.